Imagine being able to walk down any street at any time of the day without the possibility of being harassed. Imagine every home being free from the sounds and actions of violence. Imagine posting any information about yourself online without being anxious about who might abuse it. Imagine surfing the internet without seeing one sexually degrading advertisement, representation or comment.
How would it look?
Picture a world without violence. In the process, identify and name what contributes to violence against women, and make a commitment to take action to end violence against women.
Create a digital postcard
Declare your space a VAW-free zone. Email us an image of your postcard that states your stand against violence against women (vaw):
1) I want ... [space]
2) free from... [a form of violence against women or factors that contribute to it happening]
Add a call at the end of the postcard to invite others to make a stand:
3) Take Back The Tech! End violence against women.
"I want a home free from unequal power. Take Back The Tech! End violence against women"
"I want a Facebook free from cyberstalkers. Take Back The Tech! End violence against women"
Postcards can be made out of anything you have: a word document, pieces of paper, a photograph, something you doodled, an image, anything. You can also use Queeky to draw and save your postcard through your web browser.
Use any language you're comfortable in, and speak to who you want to have a conversation with.
Create a mosaic postcard
- You can also make a digital postcard that is created from a mosaic made up of many different images.
- Create a mosaic image of a world without violence against women, made up of random images that can help build this world, such as paintings of love, photographs of equality etc.
- Or create a mosaic image of a world harmed by violence against women, made up of random images that contributes to this reality.
- There are various free, online software that you can download and use. For example, MacOSaiX for Mac users, and Andreamosaic for PC users.
- If you have a Flickr or Facebook account, you can also create mosaics from images in your albums using Mosaic Maker, an online platform that does not require any downloads. Choose the size of your postcard and add images that shares a Flickr tag, or from your Flickr or Facebook albums, or add in specific web addresses for each image. Click "create" and save it. Below is an example of a postcard made from Mosaic Maker and images tagged as "takebackthetech".
- And of course, the best mosaics are also sometimes done with paper, old magazines, a pair of scissors and glue!
- Chose the tool that you're most comfortable with, play with it or learn it with a friend, and have fun :)
To share a postcard:
- Save your postcard in PDF, JPEG or GIF format, preferable 500 x 300 pixels in size, and upload it on the website to share your postcard with other Take Back The Tech! campaigners.
- Create an account on this campaign site. Go to the right column of this site and click "create an account"
- Once you have registered, click on "create content", then select "image".
- Fill in the simple form, selecting "postcards" from options.
- If your postcard is on a photo sharing service like Flickr (add your images to the campaign flickr group), then put in the URL under "external image". If it's on your computer, click on "attached image" and upload it.
Or simply email your postcard to us, and we'll put it up for you. Email: ideas AT takebackthetech DOT net.
Send it on:
- Send on postcards created by campaigners!
- Go to: http://www.takebackthetech.net/postcard and click on any postcard you choose to send it on.
- Or simply take a walk down to your nearest post office and mail it to a friend :)
Spread the word. Build the movement. End violence against women.
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