When women survivors of violence control the technology the story is different. The story is theirs, it belongs to them. They decide how to tell it, in their own voice, and what is important to state and share. Their experience is not for the media to sensationalise, dismiss, ignore or add to underreported statistics. The process of telling one's story, of crafting it in digital media, and sharing it with others can be powerful and healing for storytellers – and for listeners.
Listeners hear the anger, sadness, excitement and hope in the voices of women survivors. Accompanied with images and photos, the reality of women's experiences of struggle can tug passive viewers into reflection and action.
Take Back the Tech is honored to feature digital stories from around the world shared by campaign collaborators. Silence Speaks is an international digital storytelling initiative for healing, transformation and justice and has shared new stories with the campaign every year.. Participants in the 2008 Feminist Tech Exchange and the 2007 Women's Electronic Networking Training (both with trainers from Women'sNet and APC Africa Women), also chose to share their stories of struggle with the campaign.
At digital storytelling trainings women share and script their stories in a safe space with others. They learn new skills in digital media such as audio, image and video production to be able to craft their spoken story into a digital one.
“I didn’t think I had a story but I realise I do. It is a story of personal transformation. I had hope listening to the stories of others.”
Listen to survivors of violence speak their own powerful stories of courage and transformation.
Listen deeply.
- Visit the digital stories section of Take Back the Tech and listen.
- Tell the storytellers you have heard. Find the connections with your own experience and leave a comment
- Email the link to others and encourage them to listen to stories of survival.
- View the stories together with your family or friends and talk about connections with your own experiences and the reality of violence against women in your country and context as well as responses to it.
- Are you involved in community education on VAW or know someone who is? Encourage them to share the stories at community centres and events.
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