Echa un vistazo a los Mix Tapes de recursos, herramientas y aprendizajes - todo seleccionado personalmente para ti por parte de nuestro fabuloso equipo de DJs de Dominemos la Tecnologia.

Are you in the mood to learn? Discover something new here.
art by Sonaksha (

Are you in the mood for stories? Find interviews, essays and other forms of self-represented voices here!
art by Sonaksha (

Some like to spend their last month of the year scheming and strategising for what’s to come. If that sounds like you, check out this mixtape for toolkits, frameworks and strategies of resilience!
art by Sonaksha (

This mixtape is a wild card: anything goes! You’ll also find in here selections focused on care and wellbeing.
art by Sonaksha (